Monday, March 21, 2011

Weekend Recovery!

Oh what an amazing weekend it was. First to start was a fabulous photoshoot for our new product line with Nicole Benetiz Photography featuring Kait Emerson Designs and Gum Drops Hair Candy. I just can not WAIT to show you but for now here is a little sneak peak!

Then I was off to Bloggy Bootcamp. I have never been to a conference like this before and OH BOY was it amazing! I learned so much and you all are going to be in for a treat as we roll out all the new ideas that now are so possible for me to make to this little site. Later in the week I will give you a full recap but for now here is a sneak peak (I am just full of those today!!)

Me and the Super Chick herself-Genevieve. Oh how I love this girl!!


  1. How fun! I can't wait to see all of your new ideas!

  2. We had a blast, didn't we! You are beautiful, and your blog is beautiful! I am LOVING all the pretties on here! and I am so making a tissue paper wreath now! LOVE

  3. Oooh Kait Emerson. I've seen her work at one of the craft fairs in Long Beach. Love her style.

  4. Sounds like a fabulous time you had! I can't wait to see all the pictures! Have a lovely day, Kellie xx
