Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Just featured on Save The Date For Cupcakes!!

My Sweet Heart Party was just featured on Tanya's blog Save The Date For Cupcakes! I am so sxcited she thought this party was worthy of a pot. She is such a creative soul and I love everything she writes about. She is one crafty lady!! So go HERE and check out her post on me and then make sure you start following her blog. Thanks Tanya!!

Save the Date for Cupcakes


  1. the party was fab! every detail was just lovely!

  2. I absolutely loved your party :) It was adorable!

  3. Aww how sweet!!! Thanks♥ I was off-line for my anniversary this past week, and I just saw this. Your party was perfect in every way.


  4. Congratulations! It was definitely feature worthy!
