Friday, February 19, 2010

Grab My Button!

It has only taken my ALL week to design, build, and make my button! I took me SO long. I almost broke down and hired someone. But since I pride myself on figuring things out, I made it work. (I just got a little help form someone at my husband's work on the image size.) So here it is- on the left bar and I would be so ever appreciative if you spread the word about this little design blog.

I think because I have over 50 followers now , I am going to come up with a give away contest here shortly for all you wonderful readers. What would you like me to give away??? Please leave me a comment with what you would like to see so I can reward you wonderful readers!!!!


  1. it looks great! you did a fab job!

  2. Hi! I just read your 'about me' and you're in Duarte? I live 1 block south of Duarte in San Gabriel! What fun it is for me to 'meet' a fellow blogger that lives SO close! (I rarely find people that live in SoCal, let alone Los Angeles...and have only met 1 other Pasadena blogger. So fun!! Can't wait to read more of what you do, neighbor!!

  3. I think it looks fantastic! Good for you for sticking with it. You should be proud!

  4. Amy- Thank you so much! It really bugs me when I can't get it.

    Tracy- so great to hear you are in my neck of the woods. I am more towards the mountains. Keep in touch!

  5. I'm in the same boat you are - looking to give something away but don't know what! Something from your Etsy shop would be a great idea - that way when people comment on them, you'll get more word of mouth! :) Great job on the button!

  6. Thanks for featuring my button! I think you are the only person that I know of. So you will be the first button on my page. I have just never taken the time to add my favorites. It's cute too!


  7. I just came across your blog and love it! Thanks for sharing! I would like to email you about a request but couldn't find an email address. Could you please email me at:
