Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sweet Amazing Decorations & Designs!

I know I have been MIA for the last week, but I was gone out of town and now I am back! I promised at the beginning of last week to feature the most amazing and talented people/websites for the holidays that I have found and have been following. So here they are!

Kim from the Tomkat Studio: (She is one of my ALL time favorites!!)These are holiday tags and labels that you can print yourself.

Lorell from Sweetly Sweet. Kim discovered her and she does amazing things like pop up cards. These are part of her holiday line and is a DIY kit for Santa's Letters.

Dimple Prints is a seller on Etsy. I am dying over her cards and think I am going to get mine from her this year. Here is a sampling of her holiday selection.

And I love the simplicity and elegance of Pretty Smitten's holiday stickers and cards.

So I hope I have given you a lot of ideas from some pretty fabulous ladies!! Have fun this season. I will be posting many more decoration ideas!!


  1. these holiday tags are great! and i love the greeting cards with matching envelopes.

  2. Thank you so much for the mention!!! There is so much talent out there, I am really proud to be on the same post as these other amazing artists!

    I just posted my daughter's birthday party, please take a look!
