Sunday, November 22, 2009

Snow Flakes and Christmas Presents!

I have been a very busy girl this weekend! I have been trying to get the rest of the things that I want to design done for the holidays before I leave on Tuesday. With trying to pack myself and Lauren to go out of town (husband follows a few days later!), this has been no easy feat. But here they are. I am so in love with the Snow Flake ones. I hope you all enjoy them too. You can purchase them in my Etsy shop.

**Later this week I am going to share with you my favorite vendors who have some amazing Christmas decorations!


  1. Visiting from sits,very nice creations,can't wait to see what else you come up with!

  2. So cute! I need to go over and check out that little etsy shop of yours!

    Thanks for stopping by last week to make my SITS day extra special!

  3. Stopping by from SITS.

    These would be great for my upcoming dinner party!
