Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Shop Is Open!!

Just wanted to let you all know my little shop on Etsy is now open! I am so excited since this has been a long time in coming. I am selling cupcake topppers (of course what else!) and party decorations. I am designing them so I can totally custom them. If you are interested in some for a holiday, party, or a birthday party, click HERE or to the right where I have posted my shop button and have fun! You can also email me and I can cook something up for you. I am also trying to come out with some holiday cards. (I hope I can accomplish that this year!) Anyways, I am so very excited about this and just can't wait to start with my first order!! Let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. Such adorable cupcake toppers! Just in time for Halloween! Ordered 1 of each set so I can hand them out to the kids with their candy, as a special "treat".
