Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Lonny Magazine

I am so behind on posts! Monday got away from me. And I have so many great posts for this week! Okay, if you follow the shelter magazine world than you know of all the great mag closures. I had a really hard time especially with Domino closing. So when I heard about Lonny Magazine being launched, I was thrilled and couldn't wait. Lonny is an online magazine from Michelle Adams and Patrick Cline. Michelle used to be at Domino and Patrick was a photographer for them. Lonny was born from the frustration of the economic crisis affecting the shelter world. The name is cute since it stands for the merging of London and New York. Anyways, enough babble. You MUST check it out. I have already discovered tons of new websites for shopping!! Hope you enjoy!

{Click HERE to visit Lonny Magazine!}

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