Monday, April 19, 2010

I Am Back And Have Some Great Stuff To Share. . . SOON!!!

Okay, I know I have been so sporadic with the posts and am getting back to my regular schedule of everyday posting. It has been a nutty few weeks and you would think I went on Spring Break like everyone else. . .but think again! Thanks to all of you business has picked up and I am working like crazy. So if I never have mentioned it before, I work 3 days a week for a high end residential interior design firm and then on my off days I make party decorations for all of you. Sounds great huh? Yes, but what I really want to do is be home and throw great parties for all my readers. So slowly I am working on that dream so bear with me.

So you ask what do I have in store for you?! Well, remember that adorble little party for Parker I helped by girlfriend throw for her daughter? Those pictures are soon to come. Promise! We are waiting on the photographer, but in the meantime here is a sneak peak.

And do you remember this cute little guy? I will be sharing pictures of this party one of my best friends threw for her son, Luke.

I have been also working and building my Princess theme party collection. If you haven't been to the shop in a while, here is a collage of the items available. It keeps growing as you all keep asking for other items to go with this theme. I love that! So fun!! I have a great customer, Kelly who is going to be sharing her daughter Eva's birthday party with us that she did in this theme. I can not WAIT to see that!!

And then I have been working on a spider man party for Marla's little boy A.J. Here are a few items from that. I hope she will share pictures of her party too- It's next month.

{this is the matching envelope sticker}

*******So you see. Though you have not heard from me a lot lately I have been a little busy and excited to come up with some fun stuff for you all. Just a little hint for next month- "A Whale of a Time" Baby Shower, A Balloon Party extravaganza, and a Train Party Collection!!*********

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