Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My First Ever Give Away!!

Thanks to Elizabeth at Confessions From A Working Mom for hosting my first Give Away. I am so excited to have this because I have been trying to find a way to give back to all you wonderful readers. The contest ends on the 12th and I am giving away a party package from my shop; good for 1 year. This giveaway is also in honor of Elizabeth's birthday so it is fun to see what everyone wants to hear her dish about. So head over HERE and leave her a comment and enter to WIN!!


  1. Left you some sweet verbage over on my blog!

  2. Awesome giveaway! Your products are amazing!

  3. Rebekah, you are the BEST! I am having such a wonderful time working with you on this giveaway!!!

    Confessions From A Working Mom

  4. Yeaaaaaaaaa congrats on your giveaway :)

  5. Congrats on your first giveaway! Cheers!!!

