Monday, March 22, 2010

I Got It!!!

I finally broke down and purchased a Cricut. I was really trying to teach myself any way possible to not make the investment, but I have realized this is simply NOT possible. So I took the weekend and really "played" with it and hopefully have some decent things to show you all soon! Below is a picture of one of our Blissful Nest employees hard at work!!

PS- can not remember which website that said this but they are on sale at Johann's!! I got mine for $100 cheaper! So if you are interested in one, I would say now is the time to make the plunge.


  1. I got one as well! I haven't had time to start using it yet. Full time job and my blog (which is becoming a full time job). I am anxious to use it. Let me know how it goes, one beginner to another :)

  2. ummm your employee is suuuuper cute!

  3. ahhh, I'm so jealous! I can't wait to see what you do with it.

    cute little employee you have there :)

  4. I am SO jealous.... I am hoping I win my march madness bracket so I can purchase one... Ha! I am a dork!

  5. Oooh, I know you are going to put your new Cricut to great use.

    I'd say you have the cutest employee ever!

  6. Awesome! What a steal! Wish we had a Johann's here!

  7. OOh, I can't wait to see what you do! I've been wanting one SO badly - will get some great inspiration from you, no doubt!!
