Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sneak Peak at Sweet Hearts Party!

So with the husband away for the weekend, this is what I have been up to. Crafting galore decorations for my little ones Sweet Heart party next weekend. As mentioned before I am doing a candy bar (of course after all the amazing ones I have seen AND it IS Valentines Day). So below are the heart lollipops. I will share how I made this display later in the week. Hope you all had a great weekend!


  1. Very cute! The box is adorable too!

  2. So cute! Can't wait to see the whole party come together;o)

  3. so very sweet!!!! can't wait to see more!

  4. You are above me on SITS...(I don't Tweeter, you were a couple up from me.)

    Those are very cute! I'm sure they are very hard to make!!! I'll look forward to the tutorial.

    Have a great week!

  5. Those are great! Thanks for sharing, can't wait to learn how you did it; following along.

    Stopped in from SITS

  6. Can't wait to see the party!!! Love the party circles and labels! Did you make them?

  7. Yes! I made stickers, box and labels myself. I even made matching ones for the chocolate covered marshmellows I am making later in the week. I will share EVERYTHING!!! promise =)

  8. I love candy bars!!!!!

  9. Absolutely. Positively. Adorable! :-) Love them, and the way you've displayed them.
