Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Princess and the Frog Party

I am so in love with this party that Birthday Girl just posted. I have been thinking of this for Lauren's 2nd birthday (I know- it's not until the summer but I am such a planner!)So I love that I have been seeing a few parties of this out there for some ideas. So look at all this eye candy. Couldn't you just see all the little girls in pink tutus and the little boys dressed in green with little frog masks??!Okay- wheels are turning.

{party courtesy of Scissors Paper Cake}


  1. The cake and cupcakes are adorable! Actually, everything else is too. :-)

  2. Thanks, Rebekah! How perfectly delightful!

  3. What a great idea! Soooo creative! Definitely should be on the list of ideas for Lauren's 2nd birthday Party!

  4. That is just dreamy and gorgeous!

  5. Visiting from SITS. I know I'd love a party like that, and I'm a little more than 2 :)

  6. That is so cute! Just makes me want a little girl even more!

    Stoppin' by from SITS!

  7. Popped in from SITS! Am I too old at 25 to have a b-day party like that?

  8. adorable! love the pink lemonade. would love to have a party like that for my 4-y-o. unfortunately. she wants a monkey theme. what're gonna do, right?

    visiting from sits!

  9. Just beautiful! I love this party! I love your blog so I gave you one of my 5 "awards" Go to http://kamibuchanan.blogspot.com/2010/02/i-got-over-top-blog-award-from-jessica.html to take a look!

  10. Love that party! Their work is ALWAYS amazing!!! Sounds like an adorable party you're planning!

  11. Your blog is adorable :) I love all your ideas! I love Firestone Winery too, if I could do my wedding again I do a winery! Will be back to visit more!

  12. Just loved this post... coming from SITS. Random, but are you going to Bloggy Boot Camp in Baltimore?
