Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sweet Heart Valentines!

I just finished and listed my Sweet Heart Valentine Collection on Etsy this weekend. Amongst getting the bookcase for the office redo (and finding out I am going to have to paint it (NEXT weekend for sure!), I was able to accomplish this too! I thought it necessary to get it done now since I am going to prepare for the baby Valentine's Day party we are going to have next month. I want plenty of time to get my decorations made and candy ordered. I have learned so much since last summer with having Lauren's first birthday. I almost found all these wonderful party design websites a little too late for me to make what I wanted and then ended up ordering a bunch of stuff at the last minute. NOT what we here at the Dempsey household will do in the future. I am so inspired daily by all the ladies blogs that I read and truly hope to build a blog in the likes. So here it goes into party planning mode. Wish me luck!!


  1. Soo adorable for V-Day!!! Love it! Stopping in from SITS. I'm late today too..

  2. These are darling! What a great idea! You are so creative! Stopping by from SITS!

  3. How cute are those. You've inspired me to get more creativie.

  4. These are sooo cute! Stopping by from SITS!
