Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!

I just wanted to take a moment and wish you all a Happy New Year from us to you. Those of you who know me know that this last year was a rough one for me so I am whole heartily looking forward to this next year being a bright one. This blog has given me a new creative outlet that I think was much needed and I love meeting all you new people. So here is to a fabulous year ahead!!

{photos taken by Kari Kochar Photography}


  1. Happy New Year!! I, too, am looking forward to a spectacularly different and hopefully much better year to come. Fingers crossed it works out that way for all of us.

    Thank you for all your wonderful, fun posts. They always seem to pop up in my reader just when I need a fanciful diversion!

    Hugs, health and happiness for the new year!

    p.s. The pictures are beautiful!!!

  2. Stopped by to tell you Happy New Year. I am a follower, and hope you will do the same.

    I comment often to my followers. Come on over.

  3. Your little girl is SO beautiful! What an angel!

  4. Hi Rebekah, Congratulations on your new blog- it looks fantastic!!
