Thursday, January 21, 2010

Blog Love- Three Men and A Lady!

Mostly I love blogging so much because I become so inspired. It is amazing what you see other people doing and you want to try it yourself. Though I am a very novice DIY'r- I aspire to be a good one someday. I just would LOVE to know how to work this into my schedule. You would think I am the most busy person in the world and then I travel to other people's blogs and they have more kids than me, work full time, have houses, husbands, a LIFE and still accomplish and COMPLETE tasks!! I am truly amazed by you all and love finding new people everyday. Sometimes I wonder if that is why I am not accomplishing anything- I am too busy stalking blogs!!

Well, today while perusing over Holly Mathis Interiors (a new favorite of mine!) and then clicking and then clicking some more on different links, I came across Three Men and A Lady. I am so blown away by this momma of 2 that I am dedicating a whole post on Michelle. If you have not been over to her blog yet, you simply MUST. . . NOW! She is an amazing DIY'r and designer from Arizona. Now I must say. There must be something in the Arizona water (and I am wondering if we should move there) because so many great ladies I have discovered live there! I can never mention Kim at Tomkat Studio enough and she is from there along with Domestic Bliss (I would love to shop there). Anyways, this site took me 2 hours to go through so far! And I still feel like I didn't get enough. Love it! I am going to reorganize my favorites list and add all the new ones I have found lately- this weekend (along with finishing my repaint of my office bookcase!)Okay, enjoy everyone!

{photos all are Michelle's Home! Please visit her blog HERE}


  1.'ve made me blush. Thanks for the feature!

  2. OMG! I love this bedroom! I really love the whole house! I gotta go check her out now! Fantastic post!

  3. Wow. I am blown away by her too! I didn't know anyone lived it a place that gorgeous.
