Thursday, December 3, 2009

At The Office-Things R a Changing!

So IT came. Yes it did and when my husband got home I thought he was going to kill me!! The box is HUGE!! Okay, what is IT you ask??! IT is my new desk. Yes, I have been planing this for awhile and I finally decided on a desk and ordered it. So we are going to be cleaning out our office this weekend amidst putting up the Christmas lights- just what my husband wanted to be doing! Here is the picture of what I like.

{picture courtesy of Pottery Barn}

And here is the desk I just got from Ballard Designs!

I did get it in the black finish but I think that would look great with a chair like that. Now I need to get the chair. . .from somewhere!
I plan to get a bookcase for behind the desk to really get myself organized (I have so much stuff with all my interior design materials and crafting I do). I was thinking of getting this from Ikea.

I also got a zebra/jute rug from Pier One during their summer sale. can't wait to share photos of all this great stuff I have been finding. I will keep you posted on my journey to redo this messy office. I LOVE a challenge!


  1. I love it! We're building a house next year, and I plan to have a desk just like that in my office (I work from home). Enjoy!

  2. Oh I love what you've gotten so far! Please post pics of the final product -- you've got a great start!

    P.S. - I say "yes" to the Ikea bookcase. It looks so perfect!

  3. stoppin by from SITS!!!Looks great!!!stop by
    I am now following

  4. that desk is amazing! i can't wait to see photos!

  5. LOVE IT! My desk pales in comparison and I am green with envy!
