Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Peace, Love, Joy Collection

I just finished making the first round of Christmas decorations that I am going to offer this year and I wanted to share them with you. You can purchase them HERE in my Etsy shop. I am calling it the Peace, Love, Joy collection and the color theme is red and turquoise (one of my favorite color combos!). I would love feedback from you all and see what you think. I am going to do another color way too as soon as I can get to it. Hope you like!

Banners that read Peace, Love, or Joy

Favor Tags

And of course Treat Toppers.

. . . .more to come!!


  1. How cute are those!

    Stopping in from SITS.

  2. they are so cute! stampin' up punch? here from sits saying hi!

  3. You did a really good job taking the pictures for these I'm impressed! ;)

